CDAP Grant • Canada Digital Adoption Program
No cost and no risk digital strategy funding. Applications closing soon!
This specific program was developed by the Government of Canada to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) develop a plan to adopt digital technologies to increase their competitiveness.
There are two funding streams:
Stream 1 - Grow Your Business Online - Up to $2,400
Stream 2 - Boost Your Business Technology - Up to $15,000
Receive a grant to develop a technology plan & an interest free loan to implement it!
The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP Grant) - was designed to help businesses improve their productivity and become more competitive in the digital marketplace by using a combination of a grant to develop a digital adoption plan and an interest free loan to acquire these new technologies. Additionally businesses may receive a $7,300 wage subsidy to fund the hiring of students or recent graduates!
Optional Loan:
Loan Terms:
Wage Subsidy

What is CDAP?
Step 2 - Get Approved
What Is The Grant For?
Grant To Develop The Plan
0% Interest - 5 Year Loan To Execute The Plan

Grow Your Business Technology
Choose us to be your CDAP Digital Advisor and let's get going!
We are experts digital advisors with over 30 years experience in IT Support, Managed Services Provider (MSP), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Website Support, technology adoption and training. We will help your business journey through CDAP stream 1 or 2, develop your plan and help execute it.
We have a friendly team that understands the many challenges that businesses, their owners, and teams have to face throughout their lifetime. Our advisors ready to help you overcome these challenges and move forward.
Click below to get started now!